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This page is meant to share words of friendship, encouragement, support and constructive criticism in an effort to make this Website a special place to remember. There are at times communications whose thoughts would be of benefit to all. I thank everyone for the time they have taken to communicate.
3-12-04 Subject: LIFETIME
My pleasure to have had the opportunity to
chat with this evening. As you so casually mentioned your website, I just
had to visit and have enjoyed the visit very much. Kindest personal
regards, Tom Branton
Jim this is a terrific website....
Thanks for sharing it...
Malta looks great and you have beautiful
friends and clearly have been having a great deal of fun....
Dr Diamond
Your website is great
The FX layout and accompanying editorial and
captions are terrific. It is amazing to me what you were able to put on
your website after a visit to our showroom with your camera. Infiniti
could learn from you.
I appreciate your kind words about me and all
of our staff here, and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of your new FX,
which will continue to build your enthusiasm for Infiniti following your
QX4 and Q45. With both our flagship and our newest introduction, Kathleen
and you will be driving the best products Infiniti has to offer.
Happy New Year to you and Kathleen, I wish you
both all the best.
Thank you,
Tom Doyle
12/18/02 (Malta, Europe)
I have visited your
website,it is wonderful and very interesting.
10/31/02 (Washington State, USA) Dear Dr. Diamond, I was diagnosed with a optic nerve Schwannoma a week ago after two visits to ophthalmologists, one visit to an optometrist, and a visit to an ENT. The ENT ordered an MRI and CT, found it, and referred me to the ................where .......diagnosed a cavernous orbital hemangioma, and has penciled me in for surgery this next Monday. I believe I need more information to proceed. I have all my records (CT/MRI), and am searching for treatment options via the Internet and several medical associates. I found you at "Steve's Eye Surgery." (What a great site!) I would like to speak (or exchange email) with you regarding your team approach. I am convinced I need more than an ophthalmologist. I want to move quickly, and respect you are undoubtedly a very busy man. Please reply by email or advise of an appropriate time when I may call to speak with you at your convenience. I look forward to your reply. Thank you.
Hi Dr. Diamond,
I sure have missed seeing you at Surgical Eye
Associates. I'm working with Dr. Eric Griener now. I absolutely love
working with the babies & children, but I miss learning from you about
retinal problems.
Dr. Griener wanted me to find out from you if
he could come by to see the new EyeCap SL cameras that you just put in @
Tulane. He will be in the New Orleans area at the end of June, and wanted
to know if it would be okay to drop by to take a look at them.
By the way, your site is absolutely great.
-Robin DePaula
Dear Professor,
Hi this is Brian from
Malta. Just a few lines to say that we are going to organize our M.O.N.A.
annual seminar and we expect it to be as successful as last year's. We are
going to allocate 15minutes to a number of speakers who are mainly going
to be nurses and doctors. If you feel like it we will be honored to
include your contribution and maybe this year you will have enough time to
prepare another excellent piece of work as last year's.
Brian the Malteser.
5/1/02 BRAVO
I was searching on the internet for "Maltese pal talk friends" and your
website was given as one of the results.
I wasn't deceived at all ...... what a nice website you have .....
especially the pages about Malta.
Au revoir
tancred ( Frenchman of Maltese origin)
Editorial: A nice surprise from what I hope will become a new friend to us all. 4/8/02 YO jim Finally got a chance to really sit and peruse the site without any interruptions...........COOL! And you said you were simply a novice, just a virgin when it comes to Computers..........You are the man...don't stop. Really enjoyed the tour. Mike Smith Editorial: Delgado's best, my first computer teacher, friend and great guy...thanks Mike 4/8/02 Dear Professor, Hello this is Brian from Malta. Finally we have opened the first dedicated Eye Centre in Malta. We are doing almost all type of ophthalmic surgery and diagnostic exercises. Refractive surgery is flourishing and I am very pleased to say that all the ophthalmic consultants are attending over here. This year we are looking forward to start performing vitrectomies. We are getting a very good feedback from the North African countries and European clients have started to show interest in the Eye Centre. Well I hope you are O.K. and look forward to show you around when you're here. Your website is super and we really appreciate the things you said about our island keep it up Professor Brian Bondin ST.James Eye Centre. Editorial: one of first two (Neville above 3/15/02) scrub nurses who helped Dr. Fenech and myself get Vitrectomy Surgery started in Malta 3/26/02 Hi Jim! You have once again become the latest talk of the town (or country because we are too small) because of your great website. All the nurses working with me and the ophthalmologists really enjoy looking at the nice pictures you put up there. My father in law was also fascinating by the pictures of the small aircraft as he is very keen on flying. Neville Editorial: Writes frequently and always trying to help his country and friends...great guy. 3/21/02 Hi Jim and Kathleen ... Hope you're all okay. Your website is cool, especially the section about Malta - keep up the good job. It's really nice to know that someone from far away loves this tiny island so much. How's the weather in New Orleans? Here we're waiting for the hot temperatures - I just hope summer starts sooner rather than later! It was really nice to hear from you .. take care, keep in touch and hope to see you soon. Alan - Roberta Editorial: first computer advisor almost ten years ago in Malta, since has become great friend, lovely wife and family.
3/21/02 Dearest Jim. What an awesome website! I am impressed. Look forward to another canyon ranch trip. I called Sheila and advised I was in. .. It's been a busy two years. My web site is Beware what you ask for, you might get it. I'm about finished, renovating the Brady Island home and not soon enough. Look forward to seeing you soon. Hope Mom, the Diva Mix and Kids are well. your friend, dale Editorial: dear friend for years, sailed, traveled and shared many an exciting event, great businessman, beautiful wife and family, awesome skier and tennis player.
3/20/02 Hi, Took a look at your web page. You certainly have a wonderful, colorful and appetizing life! What a feast for the mind! Wishing you more of the best things in life. Jan-Lina Janula editorial: one of my earliest friends in Malta, superb doctor, lovely wife Lina & children, great guy. 3/19/02 Dad, got your email. love the website - I check it about every day! love, Jenny editorial: greatest daughter, wonderful mother,loving wife,will always be closet to my heart. 3/15/2002
Hi Jim!
Congratulations for the formidable web site. It is very
interesting and well built up. I have passed the URL to Albert Bezzina,
John Grech Hardie and Franco Mercieca. I shall be passing it to Thomas
Fenech and Jan Janula as well.
Enjoyed very much the slot dedicated to Malta even
though it is still under construction.
I have showed the web site to my wife and she said that
you still look handsome (so I got gelous).
See you soon
editorial: one of my first Maltese OR assistants in the beginning 10 yrs. ago, handsome, great humor, great friend. 3/15/2002 Congratulations Jim----where do you get the time? You are starting to loosen up and zero in on some of the more lasting and important things in life ie. family, friends--and the time and focus we give them. Tell Kathleen I thank her too; I can't help thinking she was a big supporter in this new adventure for you. Best wishes going forward--JOHN DALTON editorial: a once in a lifetime friend who is always there, scratch golfer, tennis player-fantastic before age set in, one of the best financial advisors around. 3/13/2002
Dear Jim,
Congratulations on your new and very cool web
It has been a pleasure working with you over
the past dozen years. The past two years at Tulane and the "old days" at RAL's
Eyecare Associates. I will always cherish the enthusiasm and
encouragement you have given me in my anesthesia practice and in my
entrepreneurial adventures. As well, the gracious assistance provided by
Kathleen with "EarWings" will always be remembered.
Your travel page is great. What a small world
we live in. I ran into Andrea and Cathy Apuzzo on a visit to Capri last
June. What a beautiful place to visit and what a beautiful family to run
Have a great time with your web site. Stay
well and stay in touch.
God Bless America.
God Bless You.
Your Friend,Peter Horowitz
editorial: a true friend, hellava anesthesiologist, entrepreneur (Earwings for women - great product), fun guy
3/9/2002 Jim, 1. you need to change the title of the page on the first page. It just says: �my web site� 2. the video you have on the first page is neat and it works fine but it is about 5mb in size and for my and you that is fine because we can quickly download the video without any wait, but for the average person who is not as close as we to the web server, this video may freeze there computer or make the website completely un-viewable as downloading the movie will lock up all their bandwidth (like if they were on a modem). I suggest you make a new page that just has the movie on it and then put a link to that page on the first page of your site. However, you should also put a warning next to the link that the video on the next page is a 5mb one. That�s about all I can find in terms of recommendations. Your site is
very through and nice, and it also is served off a fast server (I-55
Internet Services - great people to deal with for those interested) editorial: a wonderful young man, next door neighbor, future Tulanean, future Doctor
Hello Dr. Diamond,
You don't know me but you were staying at the Drake Hotel in
Chicago this past weekend and spoke with my mom, Terry Wagner who is one
of the hotel operators. You asked her to take a look at your website that
you built & for her to let you know what she thought of it. I am my
mother's link to the Internet, all the way from Minneapolis,,
she had me go to your site & give my two cents for her.
You've done a very good job with your site. I especially enjoyed
the video clips area. I wasn't aware that you could start a video clip by
simply moving your mouse over the frame. Jeez, what one can do with HTML
these days.....I have high-speed Internet so the clips didn't take long to
load at all.
Congratulations, Dr. Diamond. You are blessed with a beautiful
family, diverse friends, a job that you really enjoy and the time to share
your traveling adventures with the world via your website! The life &
times of Jim Diamond are interesting indeed. Take care.
P.S. My mom says "Hello" & thank you for being a terrific guest!
10/31/2003 Jim---I enjoyed the journey. A job well done! Thanks for sharing it with me. jolene
Hello, 11/10/03 Hey Jim,
Great website. I was surfing and I remember
your website. I especially liked the pic with your dad.
Take care and tell Kathleen I said hi.