Every once in awhile, one comes across a picture that tells a story of its
own. While the true meaning is often best appreciated by the one
with whom the moment was shared, I am sure most will get the gist of the
happening. Hope you will look and possibly send me a photo from our
past or present memories which will add to this growing experience.
ZOO-TO-DO 2001
Since my
partner was out dancing and "circulating" around the Superdome (got
only one picture), I thought I would give him a second
look in this picture of our great time at the past Zoo-To-Do

Doug traded in his
Black Belt in "Karaoke" or is it "Tae Kwan Do" for this snappy tuxedo
to join myself, Dave Oreck, Kathleen, Jan Oreck and Camino for a very
late evening. In fact, I ran into none other than the infamous Reece
Landers who "limoed" in from Houston for those of you old enough to know this GIANT in the field of
Retinal Surgery....or is it relic?

My dear friend, former New Orleans Saint Pro Bowler, Renaldo Turnbull at his
big Halloween bash a few years back. Renaldo was was attired in an
American Express Card which I hope he has subsequently destroyed. I
told him that he seemed to blend into the background...........
New Orleans
Connection - 1990

David Oreck (row
1 - 2nd from left) ; me (row 1 - 3rd from left); James Stone (row 2 - 3rd from
Teddy "T.G."
Soloman (row 2 - 1st on right)