Casa Katrina
For the past 30 years, I have had the privilege to
travel the world over. Because of my wandering personality, I never
figured to find a place that could ever satisfy me as much as the Big
Easy (New Orleans) where everything abounds. For the past 10 years, I
have returned again and again to the small Island Archipelago known as
Malta. I have come to love its people, teach its young physicians,
treat its sick, become intrigued with its vast history, study its relics
of the past several millenniums, fill ones senses with its delicious
food, enjoy the warm pleasant weather, cool breezes, absence of rain and
much more. Over the ensuing months, Kathleen and I are renovating our
Utopia and second home in Malta..
Casa Katrina.

These are the views from the Casa Katrina terrace (L to
R): Sliema Bay, Mediterranean Sea, Capital city of Valetta, entrance to
Grand Harbor.

Casa Katrina (Lt) 2nd from back and (Rt) 2nd from
front - 1 block from Mediterranean Sea (Lt) back.

Casa Katrina top (Lt) with Mediterranean Sea in
distance and (RT) side street to Sea. This and previous pictures show
typical Maltese streets which are very narrow, necessitating small

View of glass enclosed kitchen - breakfast area.

Level one terrace with view of Sliema Bay in distance
(Lt) & near (Rt).
Closer view of castle restaurant in distance and sea
activity center (Rt).

Panoramic view of Mediterranean Sea just past Sliema
point on left bkgrd View of Capital City of Valletta to right.

Next door neighbor with excellent workout & swimming
facilities or....

....try the swimming facilities at our front door. Sunday
afternoon beach time with new neighbors Mary & Carmel Gatt (upper Rt).
....just a few blocks around around the corner. ... the beautiful pool and view from the Hotel
Fortina where we stayed for the past 10 years. It is owned by our
dearest friend Michael Zammit Tabona and managed by another Cliff Agius.
I will be including a section entitled Life in Malta,
where I will give a glimpse of their lives.
___________________________________________ the coming months as the renovations progress, I will
add more.

Hallway with entrance to left.

The following are the initial results of our past two
trips to Malta. The renovations are almost complete. While the
pictures cannot do justice to the setting, many have asked to get a
glimpse of what we have so far completed.

Fausto DiPietro, of Fausto's Bistro Fame, Metairie
Mihaela, Michelle, Scott and Kathleen

Another brilliant sunset from our porch marking dinner

Feasting on Chef Fausto's magic receipts

Our fresh meats come direct via Kathleen's personal

A sad good bye till his visit next year
.....maybe by then Kathleen can have her own auto to
chauffer friends

.....and my dear friend and colleague, Dr. Thomas
Fenech, is trading in this Princess Sport Fisherman for a 49' Benateau
twin helm Yacht. If all goes well, I will be with him over Thanksgiving
this year (2003), picking it up in Marseilles, France and plan to sail
it across the Med coursing around Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and on to
Malta. Bon Voyage.