Art & Culture
While teaching in Malta in 1999, I
was given the privilege of a private showing of two works of Michelangelo
Merisi, better known as Caravaggio (Jerome III 1607 & John Beheaded 1608).
This experience left an indelible imprint on my mind and a thirst to see and
learn more of this man, his life and work. Last year while in Rome, I
was drawn to the Villa Borghese to view a rare exhibit of a collection of
Caravaggio's works . While visiting the Villa Borghese Exhibition of
Caravaggio's masterpieces, I met a Professor Robert R. Smith from Pittsburg,
PA and had the most fascinating experience in art history of my life.
Oddly enough, while discussing the "Self Portrait" with Kathleen, he
overheard my explanation and immediately introduced himself thinking I was
an expert on this renowned artist. Little did he know that I am an
avid reader of this artist and was merely reciting what I have learned from
texts of Caravaggio's life. After he discovered the basis of my
knowledge, he then shared with us many of the nuances in each of the nine
paintings that were on display. Our common love of this Artist gave us
an immediate connection for which I will forever be grateful. He had
traveled the world to see Caravaggio's paintings wherever possible. He
is truly a world's authority on the man and his work. Over time, I hope to
present fascinating insights into Caravaggio's complex life, art
masterpieces and significant influence on the art world. Enjoy the tour
of some of Caravaggio's paintings and
"the story behind the painting".
is a person who will always be shrouded in
mystery. Michelangelo
from Caravaggio, impacted the world of art during his short and troubled life. Although he
was born most likely in Milan, Italy and painted there for most
of his life, (1571-1610), his relationship with Malta during his
last years,1608-1610, is particularly interesting. It is this
relationship for which I include Caravaggio in the Malta section of this
site. I have attempted to intermix information drawn from conversation,
Museum personnel interpretations, scholars met at exhibits and numerous
texts. The latter are available in numerous texts available at Libraries, Barnes & Noble etc. in the Art
Sections for your further interest The ideas and interpretation of the
art are not mine but extracted from a multitude of sources. This is meant
only as an information resource on this interesting topic.
In addition, the latest and most
interesting composite of Caravaggio's Malta Period has just been released,
entitled " Caravaggio Knight of Malta " by Philip Farrugia Randon. One
is immediately compelled to become absorbed in this superbly written
manuscript by this talented author. I was honored to have spent a part of my
Christmas Holiday (2004) in Malta with this amazing man and his wonderful
Self-Portrait as Il
bacchino malato, c. 1593
Rome, Galleria
is reported to have never used drawings, thus making it necessary
to master the details of the human body. Aided by human subjects as models, he
is known for painting everyday people into canvases as his subjects,such as the Madonna
and John the Baptist. This satirical practice would later cause him
problems with the Church.
M 's
artistic satire is evident in this "Self- Portrait" (drawing his
face from a mirror image), where he chooses to portray himself as the
drunken Bacchus. His technique has been called a "lunatic frenzy" which is
said to be a painter's inspiration fueled by alcohol and a lack of sleep,
reflected in the pale green flesh tones of this work.
This early work belongs to a small group
of self-portraits. M
often mocks traditional artistic
techniques, introducing the sickly and realistic tones of the skin. However,
the brilliance of his talent can truly be
appreciated with the use of vivid colors in detailing the
fruit on the slab. In typical
style, this figure is striking, but not handsome, and presents a picture of
an unhealthy person in normal life with a regal pose.
It is my purpose to
present an historical chronology of the happenings of Michelangelo
(heretofore to be referred to as ' M ') as they relate M's Malta Period. M was
reported to be a sarcastic and
haughty man. Because of his short temper, M was a raucous rebel.
Argumentative people were often to be found in his company. On one such occasion,
M confronted Ranuccio Tomassoni, a well- mannered young man over some
disagreement about a tennis match and a dual was held. It is written
that after Ranuccio fell to the ground, M struck him with the point of his
sword and, having wounded him in the thigh, killed him. Everyone fled
Rome, and M went to Palestrina, where he started to paint Saint
Mary Magdalen of the Rosaries.
Rosary Madonna c.
Madonna del
Kunsthhistorisches Museum, Vienna
M would not have
agreed to paint so large an artificial subject except that he was in need of
money. M appears to have delayed finishing the painting until his
flight from Rome. M finally completed the painting in Naples, using a
common woman of the streets as the model for the Madonna as for the London Salome. This prolonged and interrupted process might
explain the anomalies of scale of the very large Virgin and the excessively
tall saints. M sold the Rosary in Naples by July 1607, when he went on
to Malta. M left behind from both his sojourns in Napes a body of
mature religious work that determined the strong naturalistic and tenebrist
orientation of Neapolitan art for much of the next half century. This
legacy is said to have laid the foundation for a Neapolitan school of painting, shaping
the stylistic formations of artists such as Jusepe de Ribera (1591-1652), in
Naples from 1616 until his death, and of the masters of the younger
generation, Matti Preti (1613-99), and Luca Giordano (1634-1705).
John In The Wild
IV c. 1604
San Giovanni
Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, Nelson Fund
The figure of John as a lonely
pensive boy was so intriguing to M early that he painted more versions of John in the Wild
than of any other figure - at least eight. This painting of John was
commissioned by Ottavio Costa in 1605.It has been said that the contrasting
nature of John's personality as well as M's personality can be
depicted by this painting. The painting expresses a restless nature with
underlying nervous energy as if ready to attach at a moment's notice.
In typical M form, we see a sharp contrast between light and darkness on the
figure as well as within the folds of fabric. This young man is full of vitality, but at the same time
thoughtful and melancholic. Roberto Longhi believed that M intended to suggest the moon as the light source.
Salome II
c. 1609
Salome con testa
del Battista
Madrie, Palacio

John the boy in the
wilderness was M's favorite saint but the John that M chose to paint in Malta was the
adult John who was
beheaded in jail in a setup by Herod. History relates that
Salome's dance and her subsequent request for John's life is a mockery of
Herod's sexuality morality. This painting reminds us of the price on
M's head. The painting is a paradox because Salome is nonchalant as
she turns away from the head, the executioner appears detached, and the old woman clasps her
hands in a sense of dismay and helpless.
The painting can be
considered a souvenir of Malta, for during its history the act of beheading
was quite real. In 1608, the events of the bloody Turkish
siege of 1565 were still fresh in Malta's memory. The older Knights remembered
the fall of their Fort Saint Elmo and the
massacred knights who were decapitated, lashed to boards in the form of a
cross, and floated across the Grand Canal on John's birthday, June 24.
In retaliation, the Grand Master decapitated the Turkish prisoners and shot their heads from a cannon back across the water
at Fort Saint Elmo.
The Maltese
On July 12, 1607, M
arrived in Malta on one of the galleys of the Order of Saint John of
Jerusalem. For the next fifteen months, he settled on this
Mediterranean island .
Caravaggio's (M)
portrait of Wignacourt, Saint
Jerome , a Sleeping Cupid and the Beheading of St. John the Baptist,
were painted during the distinctive Maltese
Period . The Beheading of St. John the Baptist,
moreover is M's largest work and the only one he seems ever to have signed.
Alof De
Wignacourt, Grand Master of the Knights of Malta
c. 1608
Ritratto di
Wignacourt con paggio
Louvre, Paris

This painting was
produced to appease the Grandmaster's desire for
M's future services. "This was the best portrait M did as an
inward study of an aging man of action who was also a cunning power player" As a reward
or sign of merit for this
portrait, M became a Knight of Malta just a year after he had arrived on the island.
M loved swords and was an expert swordsman. Through his
painting, he could recreate the magnificence and realism of a blade.
As an individual, the blade was his downfall. In strategic battles, Malta would bring relief and
victory by the
sword. The Grand Master wanted M
to glorify the order, and himself through his paintings. At that time,
the knights had been on Malta less than a century and they
needed to project their strength. When M came to Malta, he provided an
artistic defining statement in " St.
Jerome III Malta
c. 1607-8
San Girolamo
Co-Cathedral of
St. John, La Valletta

The painting of St. Jerome was reported to have hung
in St' John's Co-Cathedral originally in the chapel of the Italian League.
During the five month period from his arrival in Malta and Wignacourt's
petition to the Pope in 1607 for his Knighthood, M completed this
work. commissioned by Knight Malaspina. This would be
a good time to get Malaspina to support his soon to be Knighthood. The
painting shows the physical strength of St. Jerome and his pensiveness for
battle. It also shows M's naturalism in presenting still life such as
Jerome's distinctive stone and crucifix. The skull laying on its side
denotes the fragile nature of material possessions. The unlit
candle is the source of illumination in this painting. As has often been
observed, Jerome's features resemble those recorded by M's portrait of Wignacourt.
This purposeful analogy between a Doctor of the Church and the
GrandMaster, a religious as well as military leader, could only
serve to flatter Wignacourt and induce further favors.
Love Sleeping
Florence, Plazzo
Pitti, Galleria Paltina

In comparison to the other Maltese paintings, this
is considered M's most unusual work. It is also his last known
mythological work. Executed in 1608,
its patron was Knight Francesco dell'Antella (1567-1624) the Grand
Master's Secretary of Italian Affairs who had been an advocate for M's knighthood.
The work may have been painted in gratitude for this effort. The nude child
looks dead instead of asleep and has quite unflattering physical features.
This painting is considered by some to be an irreverent joke regarding the
celibacy of the Knights of St. John.
Beheading of
Saint John the Baptist c. 1608
Decollazione del
Co-Cathedral of
St. John, Valletta, Malta

The Beheading of Saint John the
Baptist,is decidedly the most grand of M's works. It was painted
prior to the Sleeping Cupid and was probably scheduled for display on the feast
of the decapitation of the Baptist, patron saint of the Knights of Malta, on
29 August 1608. Wignacourt had not only conferred the knighthood on M
but also for the church of S. Giovanni he had him paint the beheading of the
saint fallen to the ground. "The executioner, as though he had not
quite killed him with his sword, takes a knife from his side, seizing him by
the hair to cut off his head. Herodias looks on intently, and as old
woman with her is horrified by the spectacle, while the prison warden, in a
Turkish garment, points to the atrocious slaughter."
The story of John the Baptist
is told as follows:
King Herod had imprisoned John for denouncing his marriage to his
brother's wife, Herodias. After his stepdaughter's dance at a
banquet, Herod promised to grant her any wish. At her mother's insistence,
she asked for the John The Baptist's head . The King then had John
beheaded in the prison, and his head was brought on a platter and given to
the girl, who brought it to her mother .
Oratory of Saint John,
Co-Cathedral of St. John, Valletta

Oratory of Saint John, Co-Cathedral of St. John, Valletta
As a modern visitor
to Malta, seeing the newly restored painting in St. John's Co-Cathedral was
one of the most unforgettable and emotional experiences of my life. The
monumental work, the largest M ever painted, decorates the altar of a large
Oratory now reached by a passageway from the nave of the Co-Cathedral.
This is the place where novice knights were instructed in the values and
disciplines of their religion. M's timely arrival in
Malta and Wignacourt's vigorous pursuit of a papal dispensation for his
admission into the Order suggest that the painter's knighthood was linked to
this important commission. M's acceptance of the commission may well
have satisfied a requirement for knighthood for "passage money" paid by
each novice upon his reception and on occasion as this made in a gesture
instead of cash. This oratory of Saint John the Beheaded had
been added on to the order's church of Saint John and was finished two years
before M first arrived in Malta. This was built over the remains of
the knights who had died in the siege and afterward. All dead knights were called martyrs.
When M arrived, the Oratory was bare. Here M painted a huge canvas
which was more than five meters wide and over 3 1/2 meters high, reaching
across the entire width of the oratory above the simple altar.
And why did M leave
As he was wanted for murder in Rome and being sought after by the
victim's wealthy and prestigious family, M was relatively safe in
Malta. Here M was a Knight of the Sovereign Order of Saint John. Let
me explore with you through M's paintings a possible explanation. The
background details of this search were stimulated by Professor Smith of
Pittsburgh ,my guide, through the Villa Borghese's exhibit of eleven of M's
Paintings (a must stop when in Rome).
David II Rome
Davide con testa
di Golia
Rome, Galleria

In this most remarkable painting of David, M painted his own wanted poster.
A disconcerting work, it depicts the triumph of righteousness over
arrogance, with an underlying element of sorrow. The boy (his boy lover Cecco in real life) and Goliath's
head are almost lost in total darkness. An unusual interpretation, Goliath's head
looks human in death, his left eye still reflecting life and mouth open for a final breath..
This appears to reveal M has half dead with a glimmer of hope that he could
get a dispensation and return to his beloved Rome without the finality of jail and
likely execution. It appears this painting was done in 1606 long before
the final days of 1610.
M's position of special dispensation
in Malta came to an end, while records to not reveal exactly what brought about his punishment. History
tells us that on
July 14th ,M was inducted, by virtue of special interventions of the
Grand Master and the Pope himself, as a Knight of the oldest and most
exclusive aristocratic warrior caste in Europe. But by the first days in
October, he was imprisoned in a hole in the ground called "the guva." inside the huge complex of fort Sant' Angelo that
rose directly above the Grand Harbor of Valletta. The guva was a
prison for errant Knights of Saint John, a prison you could leave only if
someone brought you a ladder or a rope, and prisoners normally
left the guva for there place of execution. By October 6,
somehow, M had gotten out of the guva, escaped from the fort and fled Malta.
The criminal commission of the order that day recorded the information of
M's detention and his secret escape which was an amazing feat. Almost
impossible without outside aid. Whatever M had done, it wasn't
something the order of Saint John could bring itself to record in their
copious and carefully kept records. It was written that M was formally
and publicly stripped of his so eagerly sought Knighthood before the year's
end and summarily removed and thrown out of our order and our community
as a foul and rotten limb. The offense was so severe that the
Order saw fit to avoid any mention of the charges or deed itself likely
masking something personal and unspeakable. The kind of offence only a
death sentence could settle. This now left M as a truly hunted man from all
In his final days, M traveled to Palo and
was killed on a deserted beach, the details of which have several possible
suspicions. The exact details of this most talented and
disturbed icon of the painting world remain speculation. M's life was
somewhat clouded in turmoil but his death was a tragic loss to the artistic